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What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is an art and science of healthy living and a drugless system of healing which does not imply any kind of medicine. The fundamental difference of Naturopathy with other systems is that its theory and practice are based on holistic view point, whereas the laters approach is specific.


  • All diseases, their causes and their treatments are one. i.e., accumulation of morbid matter in the body and their elimination.
  • The primary cause of disease is not bacteria or virus. Bacteria and virus enter and survive in the body only after the accumulation of morbid matter and a favorable atmosphere for their growth is established in the body. Hence they are only secondary causes.
  • Acute diseases are self healing effort of the body. Hence they are our friends, not the enemy. Chronic diseases are the outcome of wrong treatments and suppression of the acute diseases.
  • In Naturopathy there is no place for herbs, medicines, concoctions, supplements etc. Body is the absolute composition of pancha maha bhuthas and they alone can restore health back to normality.
  • Nature is the greatest healer; body has a capacity to prevent itself from diseases and can regain health if unhealthy.


Years Experience

About Us

Know About Adya Naturopathy

Naturopathy is a form of treatment that heals/ Cure/ reverse your disease condition using natural methods. Naturopathy focuses on the body’s capacity to heal itself, preventing health problems arising from/cure/ reverse/ minimizes seviourty of present disease condition. Naturopathy treatment plans to focus on education and prevention, emphasizing diet, exercise, and stress management. Naturopathy uses a series of principles and beliefs to create individual treatment plans. These principles and beliefs are:

  • Self-healing: Identifying and removing obstacles to recovery allows for natural healing of underlying symptoms: Rather than stopping symptoms temporarily, a Naturopathy doctor can resolve underlying physical or mental issues by treating the body, mind, and spirit.
  • Harmless treatment: Treatment plans should not have harmful side effects or control symptoms negatively.
  • Holistic treatment: A Naturopathy doctor must recognize individuality to treat all aspects of a person’s health effectively.
  • Education in treatment: Naturopathy doctors teach self-care to help and empower people against ill health.
  • Prevention: It is good to remove toxic substances from a unhealthy lifestyle to prevent problems from arising.

Naturopathy doctors design treatment plans to suit individual needs and health conditions. This means the treatment plans they offer can vary, but they all follow similar principles. Most treatments include: Detoxification by colon hydrotherapy/ enema/ sankh prakshalan, Jacuzzi bath, steam bath Sauna bath, Hip bath, Spinal bath, various Ayurvedic therapeutic massages, Panchakarma Shirodhara, Mud therapy, Jal neti, Sutra neti, Diet, Yoga, Meditation, Sun bath, Spinal Bath, Hand & Foot Bath, Accupressure, Accupuncture and others. A Naturopathy doctor will customize your treatment plan according to your disease condition.

Our Team

Our Experienced Doctors

Dr. Masheera Anjum



Dr. Vriddhi Raathi-Bhutada

Naturopathy Doctor


Dr. Vikas Kumar

Yoga Therapist


Why Us!

Few Reasons Why People Choosing Us!

Holistic Approach:We take a holistic approach to healthcare, considering the whole person—mind, body, and spirit. They aim to identify and address the root causes of health issues, not just treat symptoms.

Natural Therapies: Naturopathic medicine emphasizes the use of natural and non-invasive therapies, such as herbal medicine, nutrition, lifestyle counseling, and acupuncture. This approach may appeal to those seeking alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs or surgery.

Preventive Care: We often focus on preventive care, helping patients make lifestyle changes to prevent illness and promote overall wellness.


Years Experience


Award Winning


Total Treatments


Happy Clients

Our Treatment

Treatment That We Offer For Patients

Obesity & weight loss treatment
Heart diseases
Gynecological disorders
Hypertension Treatment
Sinusitis and Migraine Treatment
Arthritis Treatment
Skin Disorders
Infertility Treatment (Male/Female)
Purush Durbalta/Gupt Rog

Our Therapies

Therapies That We Offer For Patients

  • Mud Therapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Diet and Nutritional Therapy
  • Yoga and Meditation
  • Sun Bath
  • Hip Bath
  • Spinal Bath
  • Hand & Foot Bath
  • Jacuzzi bath
  • Jal Neti
  • Sutra Neti
  • Banana Leaf Bath
  • Herbal Therapy
  • Herbal Face Pack & Eye Pack
  • Herbal steam bath
  • Head Pack
  • Sudhikriya
  • Shirodhara
  • Skin Glow Therapy
  • Massages
  • Acupressure
  • Acupuncture

Naturopathy Benefits

What benefits we provide to our patients

  • Natural Healing
  • Holistic Wellness
  • Disease Prevention
  • Personalized Approach
  • No Side Effects
  • Improved Vitality
  • Enhanced Immunity
  • Lifestyle Guidance.


What People Say About Our Naturopathy Center